
My First Rocketchix Triatholon

On July 31st I did my 2nd triathlon and my first Rocketchix triathlon. I really wish I could have been able to do more this summer, but with my schedule I wasn't able to do but one. It hasn't been too easy trying to train, study, take care of a baby, and other responsibilities, but I somehow managed it. I love working out though. I always feel so much better afterwards.

Mike wasn't able to watch me because he had to work and my mom watched Shalom back at home, but I was fortunate enough to have Sarah and Helen cheer me through the whole thing.......in the blazing, hot sun. They were taking pictures at each transition but I don't have those pictures anymore because Mike lost the camera! (I'm over it.) Man, do I have some good friends or what?! It really does make a difference when you have people cheering you on.

I think I have the triathlon bug. Now, let's just hope I don't get pregnant so I can do more next summer.